We provide news, portrait and conference photography around the UK.
We publish a news and recruitment site for journalists.
Contact us
Please telephone +44 (0)1273 384293 or email us
Mousetrap Media Ltd is an independent online publishing and editorial services company based in Brighton, UK. Its founder and sole owner has 20 years' experience of the journalism industry, which informs the company's approach to all of its activities.
Our primary activities are: the publishing of, a community-based news and recruitment site aimed at journalists around the world; the provision of editorial photographic services to a range of public, private and charitable sector organisations and business, financial and news publications.
We also act as consultants to online publishers wishing to create community-based news sites, providing the necessary advice, design and technology services required to build a vibrant and busy web hub.
We have been providing editorial photographic services of national newspaper standard for more than a decade, including coverage of the UK's autumn party political conferences.
We currently employ eight full-time staff and have a core team of four professional freelance photographers based around the UK.